Witcher 3, PC Game Review | VideoMortals
The everlasting RPG experience set in a massive open world, Witcher 3 is an unforgettable game. With the, must have dlcs, Witcher 3 will give you more than 150 hours of joy and happiness. The best.
Long Version
Gameplay : There's nothing much to discuss on gameplay section of this review, since Witcher3 is literally one of the genre defining games, still let's talk gameplay. WÄ°tcher 3 offers the player a ride in a massive world, but every ride has a cost, just like this one. The player will face barriers, (From giant rats to actual dragons) meet new people (Mostly pretty weird people, I must say) and fight (A lot) The game has a lot of stability when it comes to offering unique to player play styles. Do you want to burn every single thing you see? Go ahead. Do you want to be the next Yoda and just play with minds? Tricky, but do it. Do you want to be a pacisift witcher? Well you could try. In the end, you will be satisfied and will be as happy as a pumpkin. The most beautiful thing is, the world remembers. Unlike, for example, GTA5, which had a police force that would forget you killed 50 people after a 2 minutes search in woods, Witcher 3 has a vibrant villager/soldier mechanic. If you kill a soldier from a state, soldiers of that state will hear about that from other people and start hating you. Enough hate leads to them attacking you in sight, since you're the butcher of... well, that poor soldier. Villagers will also talk both behind your back and to your face to let you know that you're a horrible human being and should not kill people for a few golden coins, or at least should not kill for fun. In the end though, you get a lot, a lot of fun fighting giant beasts and then celebrating your victory in the village inn, drinking and playing gwent. Even after all this time, yes, Witcher 3 is still great in terms of gameplay mechanics. Gameplay passes ✔
Open World : Witcher 3 has one of the biggest worlds in video games, it's just absolutely massive! That is of course in a good way as well. The world of Witcher does not force you to run arround all the time, yet it the mean time spreads the story to all of the world perfectly. The game gives player a route for the next mission, and offers some really great side missions on the way, to keep them in action. Speaking of side missions, some of them are really hard, but level barrier is not something the game forces down your throat, you can still do higher level quests, but it punishes you for trying, and that's acceptable. (This is coming from the guy who fought a giant spider for 2 hours and lost in the end, after shooting it with 2 damage shots for hours, turns out that's a much higher level end-game boss, well nevermind then) Anyways, the game has a thing for you to do in every corner, every island, every tree even. Just don't get in the swamp, trust me, you hate the swamp, get out of the swamp! Jokes aside, the vote is simple, open world passes with flying colors. ✔
Sound : Yes. ✔
Replayibility : Well, this is a tough one. The game itself is just great, but it's way, way too long. That's also a great thing, since you never run out of things to do really, but it also makes the game a pain to play after some time. The game, with the essential dlcs, can take upto 200 hours or so, which would mean nearly 10 actual days, without sleeping or eating. That's insane! So, as a natural result, most of the players actually don't finish the game, or they finish the base game, but not all the additions and side quests. For me, it was sadly the first one, after long hours, long playing sessions where I basically stopped sleeping at nights to play Witcher 3, I realised that wasn't good for me, and I slowed down. The thing is, once you slow down, the game drains you, punishes you for losing your touch, forgetting a few combos. Anyways, in the end, I quit out of rage at some point and didn't touch it ever since. (That's also a thing it seems, I can't start again now for some reason, I just don't feel it) So, in the end, yeah a great great game, but not replayable if you ask me I would say, since I couldn't even finish it once. Plus, I'm not at all sure, but new game+ doesn't seem like a solid experience for the game anyways, if you're not interested in playing the exact same thing all over again for no actual reward (I guess?) So, in my test, replayibility fails ➖
Story : One of the most amazing stories I've played, period. The game takes you into it's arms and tells you a story, a story that never gets boring. (Well at least in the first 100 hours I guess) The main storyline is just so good, but the game is not just about that. The side missions are not at all different when it comes to content, they offer a great value in story and they feel like just main missions. Pretty great story, pretty great perspective. Story passes ✔
Extra : This section was added here just to talk about Gwent. Gwent is a card game in Witcher's universe, with it's own rules and a chunk load of unique mechanics. Gwent is nearly as good as the actual game. I for one played Gwent in half of my playtime, so yeah, play Gwent. Gwent rocks! ✔
In the end our results will look like this :
Graphics : ✔
Gameplay : ✔
Open World : ✔
Sound : ✔
Replayibility : ➖
Story : ✔
Extra : ✔
Witcher 3 was not so hot at launch, then it became good, then it became super good, then it became a legend. Years later, as I'm writing this review, is it still that good? Yes, it still is the one of the greatest games in gaming history. Finest work of Cd Projekt Red, for sure!
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