FARM MANAGER 2018 Tips And Tricks

 Even with the irritating bugs and overall laggy gameplay, Farm Manager 2018 is a perfect time killer, and a unique experience. For detailed guides on the basics, you can always check the steam community page for the game, there are several. But after my first 30 hours or so in the game, I can suggest a few things, with my limited knowledge.

  • Firstly, the more expensive seed options are of course a good idea to make money for your farm, but they take quite a long time, and without automation, they will take a lot of time for you to keep planting bunch of new ones every time you harvest. My suggestion would be focusing more on those lifelong seeds; like strawberry, raspberry... These seeds will just keep producing without the need of replanting every time, and they can be harvested once, nearly twice every season. Since they're pretty expensive, you will grow your economy in no time if you are producing enough.
  • Also, machines are the way to go! They are able to do the work of 50 just by 1, and sometimes that becomes critical since it saves you a ton of time, and of course human resources to use somewhere else. When you assign a field manager to a field, they will actually prefer machines over humans just as well. So with enough automation and enough machines, you will be able to manage your fields much easier.
  • Greenhouses are a must. Since you can't do nothing much in winters early on in the game, you should invest in those greenhouses and start producing in winter as well. It'll help your economy a lot.
  • Wind Turbines and Slaughterhouse is the money makers of the game early on, well not that early on in case of slaughterhouses. Wind Turbines cost quite a bit actually, 60k for a single unit seems a lot. But, if the weather's suitable, they'll mass produce and get you a reasonable amount every month. As for the slaughterhouse, there's nothing much to say, you just build it, buy cows, and make magic happen. You can make a lot of money from that one actually, a lot. Still though, if you make enough fields, farming is always the most profitable over time. 
  • Field Managers are one of the key mechanics of the game. They will make everything you need to do on a field automaticly. Well, they'll make people do it actually, which is the point of being a manager so.. makes sense anyways. They will order plowing, sowing, harvesting, anything. And the best part is, they prefer machines just like you would, so they save so much time. Trust me, they're a must! You will be able to assign them to your fields once you get your town manager's house to level 2, which will cost 400k. It'll be worth it, go for it!
  • If you're playing campaign, you can create a test field for the tasks. A test field should be at least 30m in lenght, so your machines can work it (early in the game it doesn't matter, just create the smallest thing) With your test field, you can just pass the objectives easily without actually affecting your harvest quality or amount. Just create this field, and grow what game wants you to grow here. You do not need to plow it or anything, just sow the seeds right away. For example if there's a mission, asking you to plant wheat, and you don't actually need that much wheat, or simply don't want to use a bigger field for it, use your test field! Most of the planting tasks have no minimum field lenght requirements, so you can just pass them without actually needing to wait 360 days to grow apples, while going bankrupt waiting.
  • If you unlocked machines, you don't have to wait for your investments, you can use loans as a great tool. First though, from your owner's house, get the training that reduces the interest rate by 5%. After that, get the training that let's you get more than 250k, and the one that lets you get more than 500k. After that, you can just get 1.2 mil of loan to start your projects easier. The next tip will be about how to use all that money, buckle up! [Don't forget to keep track of your repayments, keep some money as a deposit every month for it.]
  • In my example, you will get 1.2 mil loan from the banks, although you can get more, or less, that's totally up to you, and your patience. When you get 1.2 mil, first of all, upgrade the farm owner's house to lvl 2 right away, it'll cost you 400k, which will leave you at 800k. Now you're able to assing field workers, and you can create even bigger fields. Also, the auto sell option will now trigger every week, instead of once every 2 weeks. All of these will help you in the automation process of your farm. Second step is building more and more employee houses, you'll need those people in the end.Third step is buying a new land for 40k (if you have enough free space, there's no need,yet) In your new land, just create fields, as big as you can. And the last step, just assing field managers to that land, and tell them what to grow. They'll grow, water and harvest it all automatically. I suggest strawberry for outdoor farming, and red peppers/strawberry for greenhouse farming. Strawberry outdoor, since these are giving a crop or two every month, and they don't die after harvest, or in winter. Red Pepper indoors, since it's a little more profitable, strawberries are a bless though. Anyways, after all these steps, you can also build some wind turbines, depending on your preference. With this much land, you'll easily get the amount on that loan back in no time, since these seeds never die, and you harvest them nearly 6 times every year. In my first playthrough, I was getting more than 750k from them every season, which made it easier to grow early on.
  • Once you get in touch with slaughterhouses and other factories, you'll get profit fast no matter the season. Still though, remember that summer is the time to shine for your economy. Therefore, use the winters to your advantage and do your errands you couldn't do in the outdoor farming season. Decorate, renovate, or build new buildings or factories. That way, you use the winter to your advantage and save time for summer, rather than sitting back and staring at the screen, waiting for it to pass.
That's it for this list folks. I hope you liked my cover for some general tips and tricks for your farming journey on the Farm Manager 2018. You can buy the game right away from the steam if you haven't yet. In the end of this post, there will be a button to purchase it on steam. Thanks for reading.
Keep gaming, and good luck. Watch out! 😉🤘


  1. Hey folks, hope you enjoyed my list. To be honest, I'm still learning about the game every day, therefore, this list will be updated every now and then. Also, if you have other tips, tricks or suggestions that can look good in that list, just let us know and we'll update it with your contribution. Thanks for reading, watch out!


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